Thursday, December 10, 2009

ASUS T91MT Eee PC - Multi-Touch Netbook'ing

I've been doing a lot of research on multitouch technology (which is basically using two or more fingers on a screen or touch-sensitive device) and I came upon an announcement about ASUS's Eee PC T91MT. I read some reviews, which where slightly mixed but for the most part positive.

I ordered one, and I've been using it for about two days now. Honestly, my only bad experience was when I first turned it on... Windows 7 had to do some first-start customizations and I didn't realize the whole thing would probably go faster had I plugged in the AC adapter... (it took over 20 minutes to fully run set-up when I had it unplugged... so if you get one, plug it in until you are done with set up!)

The reason I bought this was really two-fold. This netbook has a hinged screen and converts into a tablet PC in a few seconds. And it's multi-touch (in this case up to two fingers) so it can use, among other things, most of the multitouch gestures I'm accustomed to on the iPhone. So the first reason I wanted it was to get a feel for what tablet computing might be like should Apple release a tablet.

The second reason was my main web stats application is Windows-only (sadly) but it has a really great visual-hyperlink system to help me understand my data. The application was great with a mouse, but it's completely terrific as a touch or stylus app.

As for how I feel about the T91MT in itself... as far as a touch tablet goes, it's a little thick and heavy... as far as a netbook goes, it's quite light and usable, although I'm not a fan of the smaller keyboard. I imagine if ASUS releases a larger model (this one is 8.9 inches) I would hope the keyboard is slightly larger. It's not that it's a bad keyboard, I just prefer having a little more room when I'm typing. If you're looking into this model, go test typing at a store on 8.9 inch netbooks and see if the keyboard suits your needs.

As far as technology goes, this device is pretty great. I hooked it to my 23-inch LCD (high-def 1920x1080) and it worked fine. I'm not planning to play 3D games in high-def so the ability to run high-def from this netbook for researching was more important to me than actual performance.

One of my favorite things about this device is battery. I keep putting it to sleep on the counter but it looks like I'll consistently get over 4.5 hours use with the proper power save setting.

Outside of the compressed physical keyboard, I'm very pleased with this netbook. I knew getting into it it'd be smaller so I won't say I'm disappointed. I will be using it pretty much every day from now on. You can check out some other reviews here at


  1. I own this T91MT, great netbook. I wouldn't call it multitouch though as it only recognizes maximum of 2 finger points at once, I call that DUALTOUCH! I was expecting more than a dualtouch touchscreen :(

    It won't even play youtube or HULU videos (unless you download them first) that I so hoped for either (even tried on LAN connection incase WIFI was to blame, but nope). I could only upgrade the ram as high as 2GB and you cannot give more RAM to the internal video card.

    It plays most downloaded files I have (as long as you find most recent video card drivers from Intel, Asus doesn't even give you these), great for all my 720p DivX vids (1080 may not play).

    Tried Windows XP and Vista on it, Windows 7 runs best.

    I have tried some emulators of old 16bit games (I am a fan of old games). NES & SNES works perfect. Sega Genesis and Master Sytem roms play fine. GBA most games ran well. Majority of MAME games would play (use GlovePie and your WiiMote). A few n64 games ran ok. DosBox with games like DOOM, Blood, etc work well too. I wouldn't expect to get more gaming from this unit.

  2. I heard lot about ASUS T91MT but not sure of whether to buy it or not..Now after reading this post i think its good deal to have it..its proving nice feature of multi-touch netbooking..and i have windows 7 and i read that it work well on i should try it now..thanks for your suggestion i keep them in mind.
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