Sunday, December 27, 2009

Thoughts on Blogs

I've been researching a bunch of topics over the past to weeks... I've been bookmarking topics until the Google search gives me the "all further results are similar" sort of error.

I'd say, probably, about 1 in 6 pages I hit was a blog. Initially, I didn't really like blog posts, but I grew to determine which type of blog posts I like.

The first one I like is the the blog post to a specific link, with personal commentary. I like when people add their thoughts, even if just a paragraph or two, to a specific link they enjoy.

The second is a resource-topic post... the author describes one topic and links to several links they enjoyed on that topic. I prefer 3 or more links, it gives a lot of direction to further the research on the topic.

The third type I like is the thoughtful, no link post by an author who is well at doing either of the first two types of posts. If they write a decent post, sometimes it's nice to have their general view on something random.

The one type of post I absolutely hate is the Copy-Paste post to one specific link. If a link is good, it's going to turn up in a search engine near the front, mindlessly copying the first paragraph and posting a link to it really doesn't benefit humanity.

I hope that some of you find this post to be in the class of the "third type" and that my other posts around this are useful to you in some way. :)

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